Book “Eclats de rêves”

Book “Eclats de rêves”

Original price was: 50,00€.Current price is: 39,00€.

Book “Eclats de rêve” by Jeannette Guichard-Bunel produced by Majda Zlassi.


History of the book:

This book was born out of a 1991 encounter between artist Jeannette Guichard-Bunel and a young woman, Majda Zlassi, at the Arpajon gallery.

This young woman, an art lover, was initially unsettled by the artist’s work. Both admiring and troubled, she came back several times to see the exhibition without buying anything. Then one day, it was the “click” when the first canvas acquired entered his collection of works of art. Then other purchases followed very quickly, becoming the artist’s largest collector to date. She had immersed herself in the universe of jeannette Guichard-Bunel.

Birth of the book:

In 2009 Majda Zlassi had the warm and generous idea of ​​producing a book on the artist’s entire pictorial work. She conceived it entirely, fine-tuning it with great sensitivity, so well did she know the atmosphere of this painter. Then, she realized it in collaboration with an art book publisher and even more she financed it, thus passing from a collector’s soul to a patron of the arts. How lucky for an artist to one day cross paths with someone like Majda.

The book “ECLATS DE RÊVES” was born. He will serve as the first point of reference in the artist’s career. We find there all the themes, the inspirations, the roots that nourish his current journey, a journey that never ceases to surprise and amaze us.

Extract from Majda’s words:

“I have been escaping for nearly thirty years through the facetious, sparkling and tender pictorial works of Jeannette Guichard-Bunel. What is extraordinary is the unspeakable pleasure that overwhelms me and that childlike excitement that drives me every time I discover a new canvas. The more I probe the staged characters, the more I feel transported to another universe, in a virtual trance, amazed by so much poetry, imagination and humor. ”

She also likes to quote Cocteau’s sentence which invites you to read this book.

“The older I get, the more I see that what does not fade away are dreams. “

Book Description:

Publication in May 2009 of the book “eclips of dreams” by Jeannette Guichard-Bunel directed by Majda Zlassi,

Editions “the art book”

Format: 22 x 30cm

104 pages, 135 four-color paintings on glossy paper.

Hard cover, yellow cloth binding, red titling with a gilding iron, four-color jacket.



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